Facebook Ads Account For RentDịch vụFacebook Ads Account For Rent

Facebook Ads Account For Rent

BLACK HAT AGENCY Provide Marketing Solutions To Help You Increase Sales

Are you having trouble running Black Hat ads on Facebook?

  • Facebook advertising account disabled?
  • Slow advertising approval process?
  • Account has daily spending limit?

Don’t let those difficulties stop your business! Please refer to the article below so we – Black Hat Agency provide advertising solutions to help you succeed!

1. Why should you rent a Facebook advertising account?

Instead of buying old Gmail or Via Facebook to create and maintain advertising accounts, using the Facebook Ads account rental service will help you save time and money. In addition, you also receive many other benefits from renting a Facebook advertising account:

  • Because the Agency’s business accounts have gained the trust of Facebook, when implementing an advertising campaign, the ads will be approved quickly.
  • Choosing the service of renting an advertising account on Facebook means you don’t have to worry about payment card issues. You just need to prepare a budget and account rental fee and the rental agency will assist in setting up the account to run ads.
  • Using a business advertising account will give you the best support from the Facebook team. In addition, you will also be given another account by Facebook Ads experts at the Agency when the current advertising account is locked due to policy violations. Most rental advertising accounts at agencies are business accounts (BM). This account contains many other child advertising accounts to help you conveniently create and manage multiple Facebook Ads campaigns across accounts.
  • When using a business account to run ads, you will receive many special offers from Facebook: optimal advertising bids and experience new features,…
  • Facebook advertising accounts at agencies have run many products and services with high trust and stability. If you use this type of account to run ads, it will make camping easier. You can deploy many Facebook Ads campaigns with large budgets.
  • This helps ensure uninterrupted Facebook advertising campaigns.

2. Criteria for choosing a quality Facebook Ads Account Rental Agency

The demand for advertising resources, especially Facebook Ads accounts is higher, so many account rental service providers have appeared on the market. However, finding a reputable agency with the best quality service is not simple. Understanding that, we have come up with the following suggestions for your reference:

  • Choose a Facebook advertising account rental agency with extensive experience in the industry. You need to pay attention to these factors when choosing an Agency that provides quality services: accurate company address, website providing complete information about the service,…
  • You should choose and use services at agencies that rent Facebook advertising accounts for businesses.
  • Only hire a Facebook Ads account from an agency whose capabilities you truly understand. Please find out information about the agent whose service you want to use: number of years of operation, professional qualifications of the team of experts, contract or transaction invoice,…
  • In addition, you need to pay attention to the rental fee and commitments from the rental agency about account quality (good spending, fast ad approval, lots of support from Facebook). These are very important criteria to help you choose quality service.
  • On the other hand, you should also consult friends, relatives or people in the industry. Especially look at the reviews of customers who have previously used the business’s services to get the most objective view.

3. Fee for renting a Facebook advertising account on the market?

There is no specific number about the fee for renting a Facebook advertising account. Each Agency that rents an advertising account on Facebook will have a separate fee. Rental costs are calculated as a % of the advertising budget on the account for a certain period of time. The time usually calculated here is 1 month.

There are many factors that affect Facebook Ads account rental fees: advertising budget, business industry, account type,…

If your business runs advertising with a larger budget, the account rental fee will be lower and vice versa. For clean product industries that do not violate Facebook’s policies, the account rental fee will be lower than for products and services that violate policies.

In addition, at some account rental units, if you rent an Agency advertising account, a Facebook Ads Invoice account or a No Limit account, the fee will be higher. However, advertising campaigns ensure the best performance and advertising bids are more optimized.

4. Black Hat Agency rents quality Facebook Ads accounts at good prices in 2024

4.1. About Black Hat Agency

Is the number 1 agent in the field of providing resources and leasing Facebook advertising accounts. Black Hat Agency is a senior partner of Facebook, Google, and Tiktok. With more than 10 years of experience in the profession, possessing extremely large and diverse advertising resources and a team of highly specialized experts.

Over the years, we have been providing comprehensive advertising solutions for all businesses globally. There is a support team proficient in languages and services that Black Hat Agency provides to serve many businesses in countries: Singapore, Hong Kong, Bulgaria, Cambodia, the United States,…

4.2. Our Services

  • Rent Facebook Ads accounts to run Casino, Gambling

Running Casino, Gambling, etc. ads on Facebook is a very sensitive activity. If you are not really knowledgeable about Facebook’s algorithms, when creating advertising campaigns, they will be blocked immediately. However, when you come to us, you won’t need to worry anymore. With an experienced technical team, we have ways to wrap links that violate policies and create intermediate pages to escape Facebook’s scanning mechanism. Thanks to that, ads can reach a wider pool of potential customers on Facebook.

  • Rent Facebook Ads accounts to run Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, NFT

Cryptocurrency (Bitcoin, Crypto,…) is a restricted product in many countries around the world and it is most likely the region you want to do business in. If you create your own Facebook account to run cryptocurrency ads without prior permission, you will encounter many risky problems: the account will be locked or disabled, or worst of all, permanently locked.

Therefore, the most effective solution for cryptocurrency business agents is to rent advertising accounts. Choosing the service of renting Facebook Ads accounts at reputable agencies means you don’t have to worry about your account being locked. In case of being locked, the rental agency’s experts will issue another account for you to run ads.

  • Rent a Facebook Ads account to run Dating Ads

Nowadays, dating services are becoming more popular and many service providers are also promoting advertising activities on multiple platforms including Facebook. However, the tightening of policies makes it more difficult to create a Facebook Ads account to run dating ads.

When you rent an advertising account at Black Hat Agency, you will receive many incentives from Facebook regarding the best bid. Additionally, you don’t have to worry about your account being limited by budget or number of campaigns.

  • Rent a Facebook Ads account to run functional foods

The fields of oriental medicine and functional foods are on the list of prohibited and restricted advertising on Facebook. However, with huge profits, businesses selling these products have found every way to advertise. Understanding that need, Black Hat Agency has a plan for your advertising campaign!

In addition, Black Hat Agency also has Facebook Ads account rental services to run other products such as:

  • Rent a Facebook Ads account for Dropshipping

  • Rent a Facebook Ads account to run App installation

  • Rent Facebook Ads accounts to run elections

  • Rent a Facebook Ads account to raise funds

  • Rent a Facebook Ads account to run an Affiliate

  • Rent a Facebook Ads account to run sales

  • Rent Facebook Livestream Ads account

4.3. What will you get when cooperating with us?

Coming to Black Hat Agency, you will be granted a Facebook Agency account with high trust, quality and stability with the cheapest fee on the market from only 4%. Choosing and using our service, you will also receive many attractive incentives (2% discount for the first time, refund if you want to stop).

Regarding the quality of our accounts, you can be completely assured. Because all advertising accounts are carefully selected and censored before being issued to customers. The account has high trust, includes a green camp (Camp active), the account earns a lot of money and ads are approved quickly, bids are optimal and are rarely blocked.

We own exclusive high-end link cloaking technology, making your black hat campaigns difficult to detect and quickly approved.

Black Hat Agency experts will always accompany and support you 24/7 throughout the advertising account rental process. Set up accounts, wrap VPCS links, consult on content, optimize effective advertising, handle issues related to accounts disabled due to policy violations, etc. Our working process is very scientific. , professional with transparent transaction invoices.

We have a free policy of immediately replacing the account in case the current account is banned, refunding 100% of the remaining budget if the customer wants to stop.

In addition, Black Hat Agency experts will advise you on how to create content so that your ad can be approved quickly. Support to optimize advertising campaigns and provide Ads running services when customers need.

Below are some images of Black Hat Agency’s ongoing campaigns:

4.4. Facebook advertising account rental price

  • We charge service fees based on your products and daily budget.
  • Payment method: USDT, BTC, ETH, Payoneer.
  • Please contact us for more detailed information about the service and to receive the best quote from Black Hat Agency. Hotline: (+84)834931989

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Frequently asked questions:

Should I use Facebook advertising account rental service?

You should rent Facebook Ads accounts at reliable agencies to help save time and costs in creating and maintaining advertising accounts. At the same time, you will get a business advertising account to help make camping more convenient and easier. Using a business account to run ads, you will receive many incentives from Facebook in terms of bids and quickly approved ads. At the same time, you can deploy many Facebook Ads campaigns with large budgets. If you rent an advertising account at Black Hat Agency, you will receive the best support from experts: covering VPCS links, optimizing ads,…

When renting a Facebook advertising account from Black Hat Agency, can I use it immediately?

The answer is absolutely possible. Because all Black Hat Agency advertising accounts are carefully censored and selected before being issued to customers. Facebook Ads expert team will set up the account and immediately hand over the account to the customer to go to camp immediately after 30 minutes. You can feel completely secure when using our account rental service!

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